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How HM Insurance Group Enhanced Business Efficiency with Cincom CPQ

HM Insurance Group, a leader in Employer Stop Loss and Managed Care Reinsurance, turned to Cincom's Configure-Price-Quote (CPQ) technology to streamline its contract generation and policy management processes. Cincom’s CPQ, integrated with Cincom Eloquence, enabled HM to automate document generation, producing over 200 contracts per month with error-free accuracy. The solution empowered the contracts department to make updates independently, improving operational efficiency and reducing reliance on IT.

What you’ll learn:  

How did Cincom CPQ help HM Insurance Group streamline its contract generation process?

In what ways did Cincom’s solution reduce the dependency on IT for contract updates?

How did the new system improve the accuracy and speed of document generation for HM Insurance?

What cost savings did HM Insurance experience by switching to Cincom CPQ?

How did Cincom CPQ contribute to a smoother procurement process and faster system implementation?

What role did Cincom’s customer support play in ensuring the success of the project?

Curius to know how HM Insurance Group benefitted from seamless document automation, resulting in a better experience for both internal teams and customers?

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