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Result in Focus
  • 90% improvement in communication accuracy
  • 25% faster response times achieved

Improved Communications Propels Customer Service Rating to 98% at Wisconsin Physicians Service

As a leader in healthcare claims processing, WPSIC's TRICARE division faced the challenges of meeting complex Department of Defense requirements while enhancing efficiency and service quality.

By partnering with Cincom Eloquence, they were able to implement the best document automation software for healthcare providers, which transformed their document communication process—achieving faster turnaround, reducing errors, and increasing customer satisfaction to 98%.

What You’ll Learn 

How WPSIC reduced over 2,500 document templates by 60% and improved document processing speed.

How smart template design enables faster responses and eliminates the chance of missed fields.

How Cincom Eloquence improved attachment processing, enabling automated document processing and eliminating manual errors.

The benefits of automation, from cost savings to a satisfaction boost as younger and overseas customers embrace digital delivery.

Insights into Cincom’s tailored solutions that are seamlessly integrated with WPSIC's systems.

Curious about WPSIC's journey to faster, more accurate customer communications?

Access the full case study to see how the best document automation software, Cincom Eloquence, empowered WPSIC to elevate service quality and reduce costs across their TRICARE operations.

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