Cincom Smalltalk™

Cincom is the world leader in Smalltalk application development software, web application development tools and deployment environments.

  • Cincom® ObjectStudio® is an ideal solution for Windows®-centric application development.
  • Cincom® VisualWorks® will assist those looking for enterprise-level, cross-platform, custom application development that connects everything.
  • Cincom Smalltalk cuts the complexity that complicates software development while accelerating your potential for profitable growth.
  • Robust development tools help you create value at the lowest possible risk and assures you of the fastest return on investment.

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Smalltalk Development Solutions


MANTIS is an application development platform that enables you to deploy anywhere across multiple environments, including mobile and Android. It addresses all aspects of application development, including creation, maintenance, modernisation and integration.

  • MANTIS enables you to develop new graphical and web-based business applications, and allows you to browser-enable your existing MANTIS applications with very little effort.
  • Quick and easy development of business applications across all major computing platforms (Android, Windows, Linux, UNIX, z-Series and OpenVMS).
  • The three major components of MANTIS (MANTIS Server, MANTIS Web and MANTIS Studio) address all aspects of application development (creation, maintenance, modernisation and integration).
  • User benefits range from enhanced functionality for legacy applications to mainframe application modernisation and mobile business applications.
  • Integration with SAP and Oracle.

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Mantis Development Solutions

Cincom SUPRA®

Cincom SUPRA is mainframe database management software designed for high-volume, online transaction processing. Here’s how our customers are using SUPRA …

  • Integrate and analyse operational data to make better business decisions.
  • Effectively manage operational data with Cincom SUPRA PDM’s networked, hierarchical, interactive database management system.
  • SUPRA SQL is Cincom’s ANSI-compliant relational database management system used for the deployment of high-performance data access applications.
  • Access your SUPRA data using standard SQL tools for reporting and business intelligence.
  • Write Java, Visual Basic and COBOL applications using standard SQL interfaces.

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Supra Development Solutions